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6 kinds of common yoga aids introduction


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In yoga practice, the scientific use of yoga aids can not only help us to complete the progress of asana, but also avoid unnecessary injuries, so that your yoga practice can safely and efficiently reach a new level.

Today, I will share with you the practice sequence, usage and role of the 6 most commonly used yoga aids in a simple summary article.

Yoga Brick

yoga brick

Yoga brick is an auxiliary tool for beginners and poor flexibility practitioners to help adjust the posture and assist the body to achieve some movements. Yoga bricks can help us support different parts of the body to avoid tension in other parts of the body due to poor flexibility or lack of muscle strength in beginners (if you don't have yoga bricks you can also use thicker books instead). When doing some basic yoga poses, for example, you can use a brick to transition when your hands can't reach the ground in front curl pose, or when doing half-moon pose, you can use a brick to transition when your balance is not stable enough.

Yoga bricks are often used to increase the length, activate the body, deepen the depth of the asana, help stabilize the body and assist in relaxation, etc. The location of the bricks is usually on the bony markers of the body, such as the skull, thoracic spine, sacrum, femur of the legs, etc.

Yoga Stretch Strap

yoga belt

The stretching belt is also known as yoga rope, which is not elastic and can help stretch the muscles and bones and extend the time of the pose; it can also be used to hold the body by the stretching belt, so that the two hands can be free to do as much extension as possible. It is best to choose a stretching belt that is double looped. If a beginner is unfamiliar with general yoga movements or is unable to achieve the function of the movements, he or she can be more comfortable with the addition of some aids and guidance from a yoga teacher. When practicing waist bends or leg extensions, they can be used to lift the feet or rely on the strength of the waist.

Yoga stretch straps are mainly used to increase the length, fix the position of the body, deepen the depth of the asana and relaxation, such as cow face pose hands can not be interlocked, sitting forward bending can not grasp the feet will use stretch straps to increase the length.

Yoga pillow

yoga pillow

Yoga pillow is to effectively assist users to adjust the yoga posture, reduce the difficulty of the yoga asana or help open the body, to provide appropriate and safe support, especially in doing back extension exercises, rehabilitation treatment movements, deep breathing rest, to provide stable support and relaxation aids. The pillow is mainly used in prenatal, restorative and Iyengar yoga basic classes, and in other classes as well, due to the different goals of the yoga teacher and the props in the studio. The pillow is mainly used in relaxation and restorative asanas, the yoga pillow allows the practitioner to move deeper and feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Yoga Wheel

yoga wheel

The yoga wheel can help to open the shoulders and the chest, in addition, the yoga wheel can also be a good practice for the balance and stability of the person.

Yoga Chair

yoga chair

Yoga chair is one of the most favorite auxiliary equipment, it can be well used in yoga private teaching, it can be good to help deepen the asana movement, improve the practitioner's body feeling.

Yoga ball

yoga ball

Yoga ball, can be a good exercise to the body balance, stability and core.

In fact, in addition to the above small equipment aids, practice yoga, the best use is actually the wall, the wall is also the best teacher of yogis.


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